Contoh Soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris SNBT 2023 Lengkap Dengan Pembahasannya

Contoh soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris SNBT 2023 lengkap dengan pembahasannya - Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh teman - teman semua. Balik lagi bersama gua disini,,, di mana lagi kalau bukan di Pada artikel kali ini, gua akan membagikan Contoh soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris SNBT 2023 lengkap dengan pembahasannya.

Berikut di bawah ini adalah Contoh soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris SNBT 2023 lengkap dengan pembahasannya :

16. The text is for the following question.
Television was once the newest technology in our homes, and then came videos and computers. Today’s children are growing up in a rapidly changing digital age that is far different from their parents. A variety of technologies are all around us in our homes, offices, and schools. When used wisely, technology and media can support learning children’s relationships both with adults and their peers.
Based on some evidence by research, there has never been a more important time to apply principles of development and learning when considering the use of cutting-edge technologies and new media as the so-called interactive media. Interactive media refers to digital and analog materials, including software programs, applications (apps), some children’s television programming, e-books, the Internet, and other forms of content designed to facilitate active and creative use by young children and to encourage social engagement with other children and adults.
When the integration of technology and interactive media in early childhood programs is built upon solid developmental foundations, and early childhood professionals are aware of both the challenges and the opportunities, educators are positioned to improve program quality by intentionally leveraging the potential of technology and media for the benefit of every child.
This statement provides guidance for early childhood educators about the use of technology and interactive media in ways that can optimize opportunities for young children’s development. In this statement, the definition of technology tools encompasses a broad range of digital devices such as computers, tablets, multi-touch screens, interactive whiteboards, mobile devices, cameras, audio recorders, electronic toys, games, e-book readers, and older analog devices still being used such as tape recorders, record and cassette players, projectors, and microscopes.
By appropriately and intentionally using the technology of his day—broadcast television—to connect with each individual child and with parents and families, it demonstrated the positive potential of using technology and media in ways that are grounded in principles of child development.

The author would apparently agree on the idea that ....
A. digital media can harm learning and relationships
B. technology provides children with enjoyable experiences
C. technology may bring more good than harm when it is used wisely
D. technology can influence the relationships between children and their friends
E. technology minimizes the potential for children’s learning and engagement with others
Jawaban: C
Soal tersebut menanyakan kesimpulan tersirat penulis menurut teks tersebut.
Berdasarkan paragraf ketiga (educators are positioned to improve program quality by intentionally leveraging the potential of technology and media for the benefit of every child), paragraf keempat (the use of technology and interactive media in ways that can optimize opportunities for young children’s development), dan paragraf kelima (it is demonstrated the positive potential of using technology and media in ways that are grounded in principles of child development), dapat disimpulkan bahwa penulis mengungkapkan tentang penggunaan teknologi yang jika digunakan secara bijak, dapat membantu dan mengoptimalkan perkembangan anak.
Dengan demikian, kesimpulan tersirat yang tepat adalah teknologi membawa lebih banyak kebaikan daripada kerugian jika digunakan secara bijak.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

17. The text is for the following question.
Television was once the newest technology in our homes, and then came videos and computers. Today’s children are growing up in a rapidly changing digital age that is far different from their parents. A variety of technologies are all around us in our homes, offices, and schools. When used wisely, technology and media can support learning children’s relationships both with adults and their peers.
Based on some evidence by research, there has never been a more important time to apply principles of development and learning when considering the use of cutting-edge technologies and new media as the so-called interactive media. Interactive media refers to digital and analog materials, including software programs, applications (apps), some children’s television programming, e-books, the Internet, and other forms of content designed to facilitate active and creative use by young children and to encourage social engagement with other children and adults.
When the integration of technology and interactive media in early childhood programs is built upon solid developmental foundations, and early childhood professionals are aware of both the challenges and the opportunities, educators are positioned to improve program quality by intentionally leveraging the potential of technology and media for the benefit of every child.
This statement provides guidance for early childhood educators about the use of technology and interactive media in ways that can optimize opportunities for young children’s development. In this statement, the definition of technology tools encompasses a broad range of digital devices such as computers, tablets, multi-touch screens, interactive whiteboards, mobile devices, cameras, audio recorders, electronic toys, games, e-book readers, and older analog devices still being used such as tape recorders, record and cassette players, projectors, and microscopes.
By appropriately and intentionally using the technology of his day—broadcast television—to connect with each individual child and with parents and families, it demonstrated the positive potential of using technology and media in ways that are grounded in principles of child development.

The author holds the assumption that ....
A. any forms of content designed to facilitate creative children to learn will challenge them
B. interactive media are any kind of media that include hardware and artifacts of education
C. the integration of technology and interactive media in childhood programs leads to improved program quality
D. applying principles of development and learning of children is secondary in the use of the interactive media
E. technology and media can be used to facilitate learning and establish better relationships with other children and adults
Jawaban: E
Soal tersebut menanyakan asumsi penulis.
Berdasarkan kalimat By appropriately and intentionally using the technology of this day—broadcast television—to connect with each individual child and with parents and families, it demonstrated the positive potential of using technology and media in ways that are grounded in principles of child development, dapat disimpulkan bahwa menggunakan teknologi dengan tepat dan ditujukan untuk terhubung dengan setiap anak dengan orangtua dan keluarganya, menunjukkan potensi positif penggunaan teknologi dan media dengan cara yang didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip perkembangan anak.
Dengan demikian, penulis berasumsi bahwa teknologi dan media dapat digunakan untuk memfasilitasi pembelajaran dan menciptakan hubungan dengan anak-anak lain serta orang dewasa. Oleh karena itu, pilihan E tepat.
Pilihan jawaban A, B, C, dan D tidak tepat karena informasi-informasi pada pilihan jawaban tersebut tidak sesuai dengan informasi yang disampaikan pada teks.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

18. The question is based on the following passage.
Around 2.8 million Indian students sat university examinations from the end of August to September 13 as the country approached the grim milestone of 5-million total COVID-19 cases. Despite pleas from civil society to defer examinations, including by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, a Supreme Court ruling on August 17 gave the government the green light to keep the original schedule for the engineer and medical colleges entrance exams.
The JEE and the NEET, how university exams for those two careers are called, are India's most competitive — they sprawl industries of their own, with preparation courses generating millions of dollars annually. The court bench headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan said that “the career of the students cannot be put on peril for long, and a full academic year cannot be wasted.” The court will not hear any further petitions regarding postponing future exam dates.
According to the Ministry of Education, 74 percent of the students registered to the first of the JEE took the exam, while an above 80-percent attendance was observed for the NEET exam. Students are now gearing up for the second stage of the JEE (the JEE Advanced), which will take place on September 27. Protests against the exam date have dwindled since the Supreme Court decision.

What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Indian students were reluctant to join university preparation courses.
B. Indian students were forced to sit the JEE and the NEET exam.
C. The JEE and the NEET are annually held by the Supreme Court.
D. The Supreme Court considered the pleas from society.
E. The university entrance tests were finally rescheduled.
Jawaban: B
Soal menanyakan kesimpulan tersirat yang tepat berdasarkan informasi pada teks tersebut.
Pada paragraf pertama, dijelaskan bahwa meskipun ada permohonan dari masyarakat untuk menunda jadwal ujian masuk universitas terkait dengan banyaknya kasus COVID-19, putusan Mahkamah Agung pada 17 Agustus memberi pemerintah lampu hijau untuk mempertahankan jadwal asli untuk ujian masuk insinyur dan perguruan tinggi kedokteran. Pada akhir paragraf kedua, dijelaskan bahwa pengadilan tidak akan mempertimbangkan petisi apapun mengenai jadwal tersebut. Kemudian pada paragraf ketiga dijelaskan bahwa ujian JEE dan NEET sudah dilaksanakan dan diikuti oleh para mahasiswa.
Informasi pada ketiga paragraf tersebut menunjukkan bahwa sebenarnya mahasiswa menginginkan jadwal ujian tersebut ditunda. Namun, pada akhirnya mereka tetap mengikutinya karena pemerintah tidak bersedia menunda jadwal tersebut.
Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa di India mengikuti ujian JEE dan NEET dalam keadaan terpaksa sehingga pilihan B tepat.
  • Pilihan A (Siswa India enggan mengikuti kursus persiapan universitas.) tidak tepat karena pada kalimat 1 paragraf 3, dijelaskan bahwa ujian JEE dan NEET adalah ujian yang paling kompetitif di India dan kursus persiapan untuk kedua ujian tersebut menghasilkan jutaan dolar setiap tahunnya. Informasi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan siswa India justru kemungkinan besar mengikuti kursus persiapan untuk menghadapi JEE dan NEET.
  • Pilihan C (JEE dan NEET diadakan setiap tahun oleh Mahkamah Agung.) tidak tepat karena ujian tersebut diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah India, bukan Mahkamah Agung. Hal ini diketahui dari informasi pada akhir paragraf pertama, yaitu ‘... putusan Mahkamah Agung pada 17 Agustus memberi pemerintah lampu hijau untuk mempertahankan jadwal asli untuk ujian masuk fakultas teknik dan kedokteran’. Jadi, yang membuat jadwal dan menjadi penyelenggara ujian tersebut adalah pemerintah.
  • Pilihan D (Mahkamah Agung mempertimbangkan permohonan dari masyarakat.) tidak tepat karena jelas dikatakan pada kalimat terakhir paragraf pertama bahwa Mahkamah Agung memberi izin kepada pemerintah untuk mempertahankan jadwal asli untuk ujian masuk insinyur dan perguruan tinggi kedokteran meskipun ada permohonan dari masyarakat untuk menunda jadwal tersebut.
  • Dengan alasan yang sama, pilihan E (Tes masuk universitas akhirnya dijadwalkan ulang.) tidak tepat karena jadwal semula tetap dipertahankan.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

19. The question is based on the following passage.
Around 2.8 million Indian students sat university examinations from the end of August to September 13 as the country approached the grim milestone of 5-million total COVID-19 cases. Despite pleas from civil society to defer examinations, including by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, a Supreme Court ruling on August 17 gave the government the green light to keep the original schedule for the engineer and medical colleges entrance exams.
The JEE and the NEET, how university exams for those two careers are called, are India's most competitive — they sprawl industries of their own, with preparation courses generating millions of dollars annually. The court bench headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan said that “the career of the students cannot be put on peril for long, and a full academic year cannot be wasted.” The court will not hear any further petitions regarding postponing future exam dates.
According to the Ministry of Education, 74 percent of the students registered to the first of the JEE took the exam, while an above 80-percent attendance was observed for the NEET exam. Students are now gearing up for the second stage of the JEE (the JEE Advanced), which will take place on September 27. Protests against the exam date have dwindled since the Supreme Court decision.

Which statement is CORRECT based on the passage above?
A. The first stage of the JEE Advanced was held after September 27.
B. The exams may be postponed due to the protests against the exam date.
C. NEET is an entrance university test for both medical and engineering colleges.
D. Justice Ashok Bhushan wasn’t concerned about students’ academic and future careers.
E. Many Indians demanded rescheduling the exams because of the high rate of COVID-19 cases.
Jawaban: E
Soal tersebut menanyakan pernyataan yang tepat berdasarkan teks.
  • Pilihan A (Tahap pertama the JEE Advanced diselenggarakan setelah tanggal 27 September.) tidak tepat. Kalimat “Students are now gearing up for the second stage of the JEE (the JEE Advanced), which will take place on September 27.” menyatakan bahwa tahap kedua berlangsung pada tanggal 27 September sehingga tahap pertamanya pasti sebelum tanggal tersebut.
  • Pilihan B (Ujian mungkin ditunda karena adanya protes menentang tanggal ujian.) tidak tepat. Pada paragraf pertama, disebutkan bahwa Mahkamah Agung telah mengizinkan ujian berlangsung sesuai jadwal aslinya. Selanjutnya pada paragraf kedua disebutkan “The court will not hear any further petitions regarding postponing future exam dates. (Pengadilan tidak akan mendengar petisi lebih lanjut tentang penundaan tanggal ujian di masa yang akan datang.)". Kalimat tersebut menyiratkan bahwa keputusan yang telah diambil oleh Mahkamah Agung tersebut tidak akan berubah dan diharapkan tidak akan ada lagi protes.
  • Pilihan C (NEET adalah ujian masuk universitas baik untuk medis maupun teknik.) tidak tepat. Terdapat kalimat yang menyatakan “The JEE and the NEET, how university exams for those two careers are called ....” pada teks. Karir (careers) yang dimaksud adalah karir yang berkaitan dengan teknik dan medis (sesuai kalimat terakhir paragraf pertama). Namun, entah JEE atau NEET merupakan ujian yang hanya untuk salah satu dari karir atau bidang tersebut, bukan berarti JEE atau NEET masing-masingnya memuat ujian kedua bidang tersebut.
  • Pilihan D (Hakim Ashok Bhushan tidak khawatir tentang akademik dan karir siswa.) tidak tepat. Pada paragraf kedua, terdapat kalimat “The court bench headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan said that ‘the career of the students cannot be put on peril for long, and a full academic year cannot be wasted’. (Bangku pengadilan yang dipimpin Hakim Ashok Bhushan mengatakan bahwa ‘karir siswa tidak bisa lama-lama terancam, dan satu tahun akademik penuh tidak bisa disia-siakan'.)". Kalimat tersebut menunjukkan bahwa hakim tersebut justru peduli atau khawatir dengan karir dan akademik siswa.
  • Pilihan E (Banyak masyarakat India menuntut perubahan jadwal ujian karena tingginya tingkat kasus COVID-19.) tepat. Paragraf pertama menyebutkan bahwa siswa India tetap mengikuti ujian universitas ketika India sedang mengalami sejarah suram 5 juta kasus COVID-19. Terlepas dari permintaan masyarakat untuk menunda ujian, Mahkamah Agung pada 17 Agustus memutuskan untuk menjaga jadwal asli ujian masuk tersebut. “Sejarah suram 5 juta kasus COVID-19” menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kasus COVID-19 yang sedang terjadi itu tinggi (high rate). Lalu, “menunda ujian” maksudnya sama dengan “mengubah jadwal ujian yang telah ada”.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

20. The question is based on the following passage.
Around 2.8 million Indian students sat university examinations from the end of August to September 13 as the country approached the grim milestone of 5-million total COVID-19 cases. Despite pleas from civil society to defer examinations, including by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, a Supreme Court ruling on August 17 gave the government the green light to keep the original schedule for the engineer and medical colleges entrance exams.
The JEE and the NEET, how university exams for those two careers are called, are India's most competitive — they sprawl industries of their own, with preparation courses generating millions of dollars annually. The court bench headed by Justice Ashok Bhushan said that “the career of the students cannot be put on peril for long, and a full academic year cannot be wasted.” The court will not hear any further petitions regarding postponing future exam dates.
According to the Ministry of Education, 74 percent of the students registered to the first of the JEE took the exam, while an above 80-percent attendance was observed for the NEET exam. Students are now gearing up for the second stage of the JEE (the JEE Advanced), which will take place on September 27. Protests against the exam date have dwindled since the Supreme Court decision.

The author’s attitude towards the civils’ protest regarding the exam schedule is ….
A. critical
B. positive
C. objective
D. subjective
E. informative
Jawaban: E
Soal menanyakan sikap penulis mengenai protes masyarakat tentang jadwal ujian yang dibahas pada teks.
Penulis menjelaskan protes masyarakat tentang jadwal ujian pada paragraf pertama. Penulis menjelaskan bahwa Mahkamah Agung memberi izin kepada pemerintah untuk mempertahankan jadwal asli untuk ujian masuk insinyur dan perguruan tinggi kedokteran meskipun ada permohonan dari masyarakat untuk menunda jadwal tersebut.
Pada paragraf kedua, penulis menyebutkan dua ujian masuk universitas, yaitu JEE dan NEET. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan mengenai alasan pemerintah mempertahankan jadwal ujian yang sudah ditetapkan sejak awal dan pengadilan juga tidak akan mempertimbangkan petisi apapun mengenai jadwal tersebut.
Pada paragraf ketiga, penulis menjelaskan tentang persentase jumlah siswa yang sudah mengikuti ujian JEE dan NEET. Dijelaskan pula bahwa protes mengenai jadwal ujian sudah berkurang sejak adanya putusan dari Mahkamah Agung.
Berdasarkan topik bahasan pada masing-masing paragraf, terlihat jelas bahwa penulis menyajikan informasi mengenai protes yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat dan sikap pemerintah terkait jadwal ujian masuk universitas. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sikap penulis adalah informatif sehingga pilihan E tepat.
  • Pilihan A tidak tepat karena tidak ada kalimat berupa kritikan penulis terhadap protes masyarakat tentang jadwal ujian.
  • Pilihan B tidak tepat karena penulis tidak menyatakan dukungannya terhadap protes masyarakat tentang jadwal ujian.
  • Pilihan C dan D tidak tepat karena penulis tidak memasukkan perspektif atau penilaian pribadinya terhadap protes masyarakat tentang jadwal ujian tersebut sehingga tidak bisa dikatakan subjektif atau objektif.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

Itu dia tadi Contoh soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris SNBT 2023 lengkap dengan pembahasannya. Nantikan informasi – informasi menarik lainnya di artikel berikutnya yang akan datang. Cukup sekian untuk artikel kali ini, kurang lebihnya mohon maaf …
Sampai jumpa lagi, Wassalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
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